
formly enables you to create questions with a multitude of field types that will control the dynamic rendering and processing of form input on each page of your survey.

All field types tie directly to a specific field and widget configuration as found in django.forms. The other attributes that can be passed into every field, label, help_text, and required can be set and managed at design time.

For the field types that accept choices, there is the ability to set key/value pairs for each field that are used to populate the choices attribute for the field to be used for both display as well as form validation upon execution.

text field

The text field is a field for open ended text input and is interpreted as django.forms.CharField.


The textarea field type is a django.forms.CharField with a django.forms.Textarea widget to be used to collect longer form text input.

radio choices

The radio choices field type is a django.forms.ChoiceField with a django.forms.RadioSelect widget, populated with choices specified at design time.

checkbox field

The checkbox field is a field generated from a django.forms.MultipleChoiceField with a django.forms.CheckboxInput widget, populated with choices specified at design time. This field allows for multiple selections.

date field

The date field provides a way to constrain input to dates only. It is generated from a django.forms.DateField.

media upload field

The media upload field enables users to upload content as a response. It is uses django.forms.FileField.

boolean field

The boolean field renders and processes input using django.forms.BooleanField.

multiple text field

The multiple text field type presents a number of single line fields. The number of fields is specified at design time.

likert scale field

The likert scale field type is a django.forms.ChoiceField, populated with choices specified at design time. The field template formly/templates/bootstrapform/field.html emits:

<ul class=”likert-question”>
{{ field }}


for hooking in CSS design. The following sample CSS presents a Likert field in familiar horizontal layout. You should add this (or similar) CSS to your project to get Likert-scale presentation.

form .likert-question {
list-style:none; width:100%; margin:0; padding:0 0 35px; display:block; border-bottom:2px solid #efefef;

} form .likert-question:last-of-type {


} form .likert-question:before {

content: ‘’; position:relative; top:13px; left:13%; display:block; background-color:#dfdfdf; height:4px; width:75%;

} form .likert-question li {

display:inline-block; width:19%; text-align:center; vertical-align: top;

} form .likert-question li input[type=radio] {

display:block; position:relative; top:0; left:50%; margin-left:-6px;

} form .likert-question li label {



rating scale field

The rating scale field type is a django.forms.ChoiceField, populated with choices specified at design time. The field template formly/templates/bootstrapform/field.html emits:

<ul class=”rating-question”>
{{ field }}
