
formly is designed to be pretty plug-and-play, in that after you install it, using it should be as simple as creating and publishing surveys through the web interface.

After installation, browse to whereever you mounted the urls for formly and you’ll see an interface to be able to create a new survey. From here you can create a survey and begin editing pages. Pages in formly represent each step of the survey. The user will be guided through each page of the survey in the appropriate order saving each page at a time.

For each page, you can give a title and add as many fields as you desire. If the field is a type that requires choices, then you will have the option on the fields detail/edit form to add choices. An optional value that can be supplied for a choice answer is the page to redirect the user to if they select that answer.

If you have multiple choice fields in a single page with conflicting page routing, formly resolves to the first page it encounters. For example, if you had a question that had choice B route to page 3 and another question later in the form that had choice C route to page 5 and the user answered both questions with choice B and choice C, the user would go to page 3 next. Keep this in mind when building surveys.